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"Sleeping 8 Hours Straight Isn't How Your Ancestors Did It"

Big Think

"Too Much Education May Result in Ignorance": Of course! And I would call it: the Sheldon Cooper effect! #TheBigBangTheory

Big Think

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If you follow Big Think on Facebook, will you see that appearing on your news feed? If you let Facebook controlling what you are watching and reading, you let Facebook deciding for what you are thinking

Big Think

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"Is there reality independent of man's consciousness?" OMG, the stupid question. Reality, by definition, is what there is out there without an observer. But having said that, what we call "the physical world" and what I call "the movie of our lives" is taking place in our brains, and only there. It has no reality.

Big Think

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The problem with Facebook, as described by Veritasium. This humongous site with billions of users doesn't know yet how to make money the proper way, from that user base. The solution they came upon with is disgusting and awkward, so that it's just a matter of time that people fly away of it, unless it changes. So Facebook, molt or die, that's your only options now and "Big Think - How Facebook sold you into an echo chamber"


"Meet the Robin Hood of Science"

Big Think

"Dogs Are Better than Humans at Resisting Peer Pressure, Filtering Bad Advice"

Big Think

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Time Might Not Exist Outside of Our Minds

Big Think

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