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"Nobody is" ... as incapable as this fool. That's for sure   And that, is the very last time I will hear about that clown   #TrumpBan #stupidityBan
child_care watch_later
Trump looks like the most idiotic, uninformed, fearful, egocentric, liar that became president in all of human history. It's such a shame, that words are missing to express the level of concern that one should have towards this situation. I think that, to be fair, USA is not misleading here, but is just trying to "crash-test" democracy.   #crashtestdemocracy
child_care watch_later
La bêtise sera toujours la bêtise. Tel est bête celui qui croit qu'il possède son métier. Tel autre celui qui croit qu'un troisième lui prend. Réveille-toi, taxi idiot, ton métier est en voie d'extinction. Il est temps pour toi d'en changer. Essaye d'apprendre à faire quelque chose de vraiment utile pour les autres !

Rue89 Strasbourg
