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Brian Greene - Notre univers est-il le seul ?


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Brian Greene - What's Beyond The Double Slit Experiment ? This tells that, what we think matter is, is not what really is. What really is, is a potential, and what we see is a small small small part of this potential. So reality is not the physical world, reality is infinitely bigger, and the physical world is like a slice of it, or a projection of it, like a shadow would be. Reality is the whole! Do you go left or right? No, you go left AND right!


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Physics Girl - Can you solve the boat puzzle? Neat and clever, thank you +Physics Girl​


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Étienne Ghys - Et si le théorème de Pythagore n'était pas vrai ?


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Veritasium - The Original Double Slit Experiment Very well demonstrated, my friend ;-) So, light is a wave. But why is that and how it's done is the critical question


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How do bikes stay up? The physics of it brilliantly explained and demonstrated by Minute Physics


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E = m.c² fr... Puisque "c" est une constante, cette formule se ramène à une relation d'équivalence, et implique que la masse et l'énergie, à une constante près, sont toutes 2 la même chose. La masse équivalant l'énergie. L'énergie équivalant la masse. Au lieu de voir l'univers comme un lieu de vide contenant de la matière (la masse) et animé d'énergie, grâce à cette formule, on peut maintenant le voir, au choix : comme un lieu d'énergie, et d' énergie potentielle (la masse), ou encorecomme un lieu de masse, et de masse potentielle (le mouvement, c'est à dire l'énergie) en... Since "c" is a constant, this formula reduces to an equivalence relation, and implies that mass and energy, up to a constant multiplier, are both the same. Mass equivalent to energy. Energy equivalent to mass. Instead of seeing the universe as an empty place containing matter (mass) and energy, with this formula, we can now see it, either: as a place of energy, and potential energy (mass), oras a place of mass, and potential mass (movement, ie energy)

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