We are not outside of nature (kid's childish point of view), being able to use it as we use a tool then throw it away, and we are not just a part of it (adult's industrial point of view) as all the plants and animals are, being able to manage it as we manage a factory, but... we are it (sage's wise point of view).
Nature is not making us just like a tree isn't making its branches, the tree is the branches, as much as the trunk, the roots and the leaves. Therefore life is us, and is the animals as much as the plants, all of them. All of us. And if you silence your mind, you will know it too, you will feel it in you and things will happen to you according to that (all of nature acting like one).
If we don't change our schizophrenic behaviour towards nature, if we don't act with sustainable development in mind in every aspect of our behaviour, then it won't last (for us) because guess what: what is not sustainable will not be sustained! Wrongdoing will perish sooner or later, and there will be other pandemics and other climate disasters so long as we are seeing ourselves as outside nature.
#life #nature #sustainable #development #pandemic #climate #crisis #prophecy
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