The Living Root Bridges of India ... Kuriositas - "India has a population of over a billion and our ideas about the country are often informed by that statistic. Yet there are places on the sub-continent which are still almost inaccessible. Meghalaya in the north east of the country is home to mountainous subtropical forests. In order to get around, local people have come up with an ingenious form of natural engineering – the living root bridge.
It always seems to rain here – the rivers are often very dangerous to ford. This is one of the wettest places on the planet. The steady precipitation combined with the rugged terrain, steep hillsides and thick foliage of the forests would make many parts of the Meghalayan jungles unreachable. Yet the inventive and resourceful people who live here have found a way – but they had to be very patient, at least to begin with. ..."
more photos: http://bit.ly/1472qf7
It always seems to rain here – the rivers are often very dangerous to ford. This is one of the wettest places on the planet. The steady precipitation combined with the rugged terrain, steep hillsides and thick foliage of the forests would make many parts of the Meghalayan jungles unreachable. Yet the inventive and resourceful people who live here have found a way – but they had to be very patient, at least to begin with. ..."
more photos: http://bit.ly/1472qf7
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